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Beef Soup Recipe (Sup Daging Lembu)


500 gms beef steak
4 potatoes
1 large onion — quartered
1/2 tsp aniseed
1 tsp coriander seeds
4 small red onions — sliced
Spring onions for garnishing
Salt to taste

1. Cut the beef into bite-sized pieces and wash well.
2. Boil the beef in sufficient water until tender.
3. Pound the aniseed and coriander seeds finely and wrap in muslin coth. Put into the soup together with the cinnamon stick and onion.
4. When the beef is already tender put in the peeled and quartered potatoes.
5. Add in salt and continue boiling until the potatoes are tender.
6. Fry the sliced onions and use as garnishing,together with the spring onions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank God I came across this blog. I've been searching for some soup recipes since yesterday because my sister had her dental implants from one of the dentists (Charleston, SC-based). This week, she's not allowed to eat solid foods, so soups would be the best option for her.

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